Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer






[8 July 1930]



Please tell Steiner [Hans Steiner] how very grateful to him I am for the trouble he is taking on my behalf. If he wants to get rid of Hanni [Hanni Jaeger] I will take her on.


About 75 pictures were chosen for the London exhibition, and all these have been restored, where necessary, and framed. They are therefore ready to be shipped as soon as I can get them packed. They will come in three separate lots. Shall I send them direct to Hartsberg or to you? The catalogue has to be written in German by a German. It can hardly be begun until after you have selected the pictures, but I will arrange for Hanchant [Wilfred Hanchant] to make sure of the titles. I think everything should be done in Berlin and save correspondence. [ . . . ] I hope to see Hanchant tomorrow and will then let you know on what date approximately you may expect the pictures. All I feel sure of is that they are ready to start.


I may possibly roll over to Berlin about Aug. 7 for a day or two.


Your remark that the Mandrake [Mandrake Press] could be of great help kept me amused all day. At present they have inadequate capital, inadequate premises, inadequate staff, and are trying to do fifty things when they have hardly the means to do five. They are all over the place—a crowd of amateurs with no system, order, or method of any kind.



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