Correspondence from James Bleugh to Gerald Yorke




10. Rosslyn Hill.




8th August 1930



Dear Yorke,




My idea of "editing" Mr. Crowley's translation of and commentary on the "Golden Verses" would be to (1) Take each of the 70 lines and ascertain the root meaning of every verb, substantive and adjective in the line. Then to derive from that the meaning most appropriate, in the context, to the mathematical and musical conceptions which are the foundation of the Pythagorean philosophy. (2) Submit the resultant interpretation to Mr. Crowley for a further development of the meaning in the light of comparative theosophy and Magick. (3) Reduce the whole translation and commentary thus obtained to terms intelligible to the average person of culture.


At a rough estimate the time spent on each line would be about six hours. I don't think a charge of 30s. a line would be excessive. But I know you will understand that I am not in a position to undertake the work without payment in advance.


If Mr. Crowley would like the work involved in (1) above done during his absence I should be prepared to proceed to do the whole 70 lines in that way on the receipt of a sum of £35.


Yours sincerely,


James Bleugh



G.J. Yorke Esq.


