Correspondence from C. F. Russell to Dr. John P. Kowal
[11 August 1930]
In our work we are compelled to cooperate with Therion and the A∴A∴ by supporting and establishing the Law of Thelema and the new aeon, but we are not obliged to propagate any of the mistakes or errors of those who work to this same end. I suggest that you disassociate from the word "Choronzon" all the meaning that has collected in your mind about it and bear in mind, until you receive further enlightenment that it is connected with the same root as the word "Earth", heart, hart, quern, corn, horn, star, strew and that the dispersion referred-to-concerns the cosmic mystery of creation and incarnation.
It is through the devices of the DEVIL that illusions have arisen in regard to this matter. The DEVIL of the G∴B∴G∴ is not Crowley's Devils. C's Devil is really God. C has no conception whatever of the real DEVIL, and denies His existence, thus laying himself open to many errors. He was brought up among the Plymouth Brethren and formed an undying hatred for Christianity, which colors much of his teaching. All this is part of his work, but yet there remains the mystical fact of Christianity which cannot be disregarded. We are not the Devil-worshippers, and neither is Crowley, although he is proud of being called such. Lucifer, or the Solar Logos is the Saviour or Redeemer, and were it not for his work the human race would have been doomed. The turning-point or crisis in this respect occurred about the year 333 A.D. The real Black Brothers have so confused the symbols that it is practically impossible to discuss such questions as that of evil, the Dweller on the Threshold, the Devil, Hell, etc. with any degree of clarity using the terms of ordinary language.