Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie
[Undated: circa late September 1930]
C∴[are] F∴[rater] Scorpio
Yours of Sept 22.
Yes, I want the hankies—I've a hell of a cold. I'm sorry you can't find the Watson Turner letters: they must be somewhere.
Explain to Hanchant [Wilfred Hanchant] that the firm is under contract with me.
Did Marie [Maria de Miramar] seduce Yorke [Gerald Yorke]? He writes as if he were fucking her. I wish you'd see her and say I'm very friendly and will do all I can to help her. But if she won't answer my letters I can only suppose she wants trouble. It would be better for her to confess her adultery with Yorke. I should prefer to be plaintiff in the divorce.
Queer about the lithograph. I remember now (vaguely) that Quinn [John Quinn] had some done , but though he gave me the original.
Frightfully busy—no peace even in the grave!
Please confirm the suicide story in every way that you can. "Letters now received put it beyond a shadow of doubt etc".
This is important and Pessoa [Fernando Pessoa] is carrying on! I think he intends to arrange for a military funeral!
Yours—still in Amentti
Osiris 666
The Monster [Hanni Jaeger] joins me in affectionate greetings.