Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke





[Undated: circa September 1930]







A good voyage; but 36 hours late from fog. Cora [Cora Eaton] is insane with rye, so you should get £2000 in a week or so.


Going to see this P.M. we can get pension at almost £1 a day for two, and look round for a room where we can write the journey book and paint and [illegible]; buying our own food and cut down 50%. Health marvellous: the O.T.O. is the thing: [illegible] is a stupider Chicago. That is what you want, the right girl, and the right Way of Work. Your nerves would be O.K. in a month.


Do your best with this contract to do articles on this journey, and a book on return. The material is superb.


Pessoa [Fernando Pessoa] is a translator, and wants to do my stuff. I asked him to negotiate the Portuguese rights, but he says Rio is the place. (The town is a cesspool) So we want to go on there by the "Astunias" on Sept 29; and again a month later to Buenos Aires. Fares to Buenos add about 200 and 2 months' living say £100; so I'd want an advance of about £300 and trust to the Gods to do some more in Buenos!


This town is on hell of noise; even in the cafés they have radio sets 5 times louder than I ever heard. And at 1 A.M. it's like a boiler factory with all the hands caught in the machinery!


Hoping for your news soon.


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Monster [Hanni Jaeger] sends love.


