Correspondence from Martha Küntzel to Aleister Crowley







September 7th [19]30.



Dear Big Lion,




I am so delighted to get your Card, for it affirms that I was right in feeling that great Things were going on in the spiritual world. Only yesterday I wrote you a long letter about the wonderful experience of indescribable bliss which filled me last Friday. After a long spell of fatigue I found myself endowed on that day from the early morning with great strength of body and mind, with a deeper understanding for my work on hand, and before all in a state of joy, happiness, bliss which was marvellous.


I was perfectly convinced that it must have its origin in a wave of rapture from you, as I hardly ever before felt myself so strongly one with the Great Work.


I am experiencing the same to-day having the affirmation I was asking of you that great things are happening. Even now that I am writing this I am overcome by this wave of supreme bliss, and I hail you:


Blessing and Worship to the Beast, the Prophet of the Lovely Star!


I can add no better wish for you both, as this contains all that is in my heart and soul now and always.


With great love and reverence.


Your littlest kid


I. W. E.


