Correspondence from Fernando Pessoa to Aleister Crowley




Lisbon, 17th. September, 1930.



Carissime Frater:


I am still under treatment, so will not be able to go to Estoril to-day, as I had hoped; I expect to be able to go on Friday, but, as I promised, will ring you up about I p.m. the day that I do go; I shall then come in by, I suppose, the same 3.10 you went back by on Monday.


I have already looked up [Major] Pellen, who is a very nice sort of person. He is staying, not on the Estoril line, as I had been told, but at Sintra, right on the other line. He will be at Sintra all Saturday afternoon and all the day on Sunday. Exact name (and address there) are:


Eduardo Maldonado Pellen,

Casal de Santa Margarida,



He said he would be very glad to meet you and gave these indications for the purpose. If, as I expect, I go to Estoril on Friday, we can talk over matters and arrange for some convenient meeting with him. One advantage is that, as he is one of the managers of the local Shell company, he is sure to speak English.


Pellen told me that Mario Machado is staying at Parede, this is on your line. Parede is the third station from Estoril towards Lisbon, S. Joao de Estoril and S. Pedro do Estoril being the intermediate ones. Though Pellen says that Machado "is not playing much chess now" (whatever that may mean), I shall see if there is some way to get at him, especially as he has the advantage of being quite near to you.


I have been unable to discover any concern called Anglo-American Oil Company in Lisbon. It is not in the Directory and it is not in the Telephone List. I shall investigate further,, but I hope I have not got the name wrong; that was, I believe, what you said. Or did your friend mention "an Anglo-American Oil Company"? If that is what he said or meant, then I think it would be the Shell Company, since the two other oil companies here—the Vacuum and the Atlantic—are, to the best of my belief, entirely American.


Regards to you both.




