Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Maria de Miramar
[20 September 1930]
Dear Marie,
I did not ring up when I passed through London because you answered my very serious letter with the most trivial everyday nonsense.
Also you have been trying to seduce Wilfred Hanchant and I know not who else. It is galling to my pride that some say you failed!
Anyway, you had better get a man who will stand for your secret drinking and your scandalous behavious. I gave you a great chance in life, and you threw it away. Tant pis!
You should get a divorce. I admit what some dithering nincompoops are still imbecile enough to call 'misconduct' on 47 occasions since August 3rd—the fatigues of constant travel must excuse the smallness of the figure—with Hanni Jaeger of Berlin.
It will be no good asking for alimony because we are all in the soup together with the Rt Hon Lord Beaverbrook and the British Empire. Best of all to you!