Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie




die [Wednesday]

[Undated: circa October 1930]



Dear Scorpio




1. The story of the enclosed letter has got to be believed.


2. You have also got to sell it for a jolly stiff figure. I don't know how to do this myself without giving it away; but I think the Oxford Mail man is trustworthy, and he would certainly know how to do it. Wire or 'phone him at once on receipt of this and get him to call. He gets a rake-off, of course. (Send Marie [Maria de Miramar] some of the proceeds—and me too, please!) This is urgent, as at any moment Pessoa [Fernando Pessoa] may spring some other solution, with the murder of a taxi-driver in it.


3. This is going to be one damn big story. I send by next mail the synopsis of Monster's [Hanni Jaeger] yarn. You must get some one to write this up (Or could you do it?)


4. You must also get a man (don't tell him publisher's name) to write the novel of the whole story, 80,000 words, which I am offering to Duckworth. I enclose the letter. You had better see Powell [Anthony Powell]—Duckworth's manager—yourself at once. I want that £500, and his weak mind may fail to grasp the inwardness of the letter. (He gave £500 to Betty May. Get a better man than Gerald Armitage) He may make a counter-proposition. If so, make him telegraph it. If Duckworth refuses, try other likely sources of gold. You must push this through without any inhibitions or lack of confidence. (Paris has just cabled a man here to track Monster and get photos). We are having some taken. Hustle! take a day off if need be.


5. Further, you must find a really first-class press agent and publicity man, tell him the whole A.C. story and proposition, and ask him to make you a written report of the prospects and his plans to beat the boycott etc.


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Love to you. ANU [Hanni Jaeger].



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