Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie
[Undated: circa mid October 1930]
Dear Scorpio
Just a line to mention that Saturnus [Karl Germer] is coming to London: shall arrive on Tuesday. Let him know all that is necessary to guide his judgment. He must rebuild the Temple that Yorke's [Gerald Yorke] desertion has thrown down.
Monster [Hanni Jaeger] left some gloves at the Langham [Hotel] to be cleaned. Did they give them to you with the cabin trunk and have you sent them? If not please enquire.
Please send a copy of Clouds without Water to Aldous Huxley Esq., Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall (with prospectuses etc) with my compliments—we had a gorgeous 3 days with him in Berlin. Also please set up a figure for him. Godalming, 4 A.M. July 26 '94.
I'm sure you will do your best to help him establish a "Crowley Bureau" with its own capital, staff, publicity man, etc.
The whole responsibility for A∴A∴ business now falls on you. Damned good for you at your tender age to have to deal with assorted lunatics. Consult me only if in real doubt. I want you to acquire initiative and get the habit of authority.
93 93/93
Tell Marie [Maria de Miramar] that I have asked the Trustees of the Settlement to help her. Please ring up Foreman [N. J. N. Foreman]. Why doesn't he write to me? And what happened about that £7?