Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie




die [Saturday]

[Undated: circa mid October 1930]



Dear Scorpio




Just a line to mention that Saturnus [Karl Germer] is coming to London: shall arrive on Tuesday. Let him know all that is necessary to guide his judgment. He must rebuild the Temple that Yorke's [Gerald Yorke] desertion has thrown down.


Monster [Hanni Jaeger] left some gloves at the Langham [Hotel] to be cleaned. Did they give them to you with the cabin trunk and have you sent them? If not please enquire.


Please send a copy of Clouds without Water to Aldous Huxley Esq., Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall (with prospectuses etc) with my compliments—we had a gorgeous 3 days with him in Berlin. Also please set up a figure for him. Godalming, 4 A.M. July 26 '94.


I'm sure you will do your best to help him establish a "Crowley Bureau" with its own capital, staff, publicity man, etc.


The whole responsibility for AA business now falls on you. Damned good for you at your tender age to have to deal with assorted lunatics. Consult me only if in real doubt. I want you to acquire initiative and get the habit of authority.


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Tell Marie [Maria de Miramar] that I have asked the Trustees of the Settlement to help her. Please ring up Foreman [N. J. N. Foreman]. Why doesn't he write to me? And what happened about that £7?



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