Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie




c/o Saturnus [Karl Germer]



[Undated: circa October 1930]



C[are] F[rater] Scorpio




Will you send Miss Jaeger's [Hanni Jaeger] drawings etc to her c/o Amer Express Co Berlin. Please see that they are packed very carefully.


Did you get my blue knickerbocker suit from Rogers (arcade below Park Mansions)? If not, please do. Perhaps it would go in the same parcel. Insure for say £100.


I wish you would send me an independent account of what is going on in London. I very specially want all press cuttings for the last few months, I can return them if you wish, but it is very important that I should have them. Suicide, of course, included.


I am very glad Thynne [Major Robert Thynne] has put you on the "medium" stunt. But use the wire to him signed Hanni Jaeger as well as your disciple role. You might well get a number of "messages". We can concoct a damn good article on this: and sell it too!


We are on a sort of G[reat] M[agical] R[etirement] under most shockingly difficult conditions. Too little money and too many maniacs.


Monster [Hanni Jaeger] sends you—well, I'd better not write, what.


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2 Mortaldello.



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