Correspondence from Fernando Pessoa to The Mandrake Press
Apartado 147, Lisbon
7th. October, 1930.
Mandrake Press Limited, 41, Museum Street, London, W.C.1.
Dear Sirs:
Further to my letter of the 2nd. Inst., I am sending you by this post the copy of "NotÃcias Illustrado" to which I alluded in its last paragraph.
I shall send you in a day or two a translation of the article on pages 10, 11 and 16; it fairly covers such data as exist on the disappearance of Mr. Crowley. The Criminal Investigation Police inform me that they do not believe suicide has taken place, but they no longer accept as valid the evidence of the International Police that Mr. Crowley passed the frontier on the evening of the 23rd. September. Passports are handed out on the frontier and no actual checking made with the holder; identification is therefore highly uncertain, not to say non-existent.
Yours faithfully.
Fernando Pessoa