Correspondence from Fernando Pessoa to Karl Germer
Apartado 147, Lisbon
13th. October, 1930.
Karl Germer, Esq., Lietzenseeufer 9, Berlin-Charlottenburg.
Dear Sir:
Further to my letter of yesterday, I am sending you the remainder of the translation of the article in Notícias Ilustrado.
I have just received your telegram, "Notify me Gomes Paris address". I shall be glad to do so as soon as I know from him what it is. As I think he will be in Paris tomorrow and hope he will write me at once, I suppose I shall be able to give you the address in two or three days. But he may delay writing, and I shall be compelled to delay informing you. You may reckon, however, on my giving it to you as soon as I have it. I quite understand that you would like to be in touch with him for any detailed information he may be able to give. Just for your guidance: he does not speak English; he speaks and write Portuguese, Spanish and (to some extent) French and he understands German.
I have some news to give you. I have just been informed that an English detective—a private one, I believe, who was here handling some other case—has been investigating Mr. Crowley's disappearance since the beginning of the month. My information is very indirect and it is not very clear, yet I believe I am not mistaken in thinking that he is likely to make a possibly sensational report, probably even for publication, upon it. If so, I suppose we are likely to hear something by the beginning of next month.
Yours very sincerely,
Fernando Pessoa