Correspondence from Fernando Pessoa to Israel Regardie
Apartado 147, Lisbon
13th. October, 1930.
Care Frater:
I hope you received my letter of the 7th. And the copy of Notícias Ilustrado.
I am enclosing the translation I promised you of the article in that weekly. I had hoped to send you this before, but, as you will see from it, and will have seen from the article itself, it is a fair stretch of prose and not to be overcome in a day by anyone with material inroads on his time.
The matter of the disappearance of 666 is as mysterious as ever. It has been passed by the Criminal Investigation Police over to the International Police—that is to say, the Portuguese International Police. Apart from this, the inconclusiveness, as far as I know, remains the same. You may reckon on my informing you at once if anything worth mentioning develops.
Yours fraternally,
Fernando Pessoa