Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie
17 October 1930
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
Yours of 11th.
Yes, but you had better get rid of a dangerous man like H. [Wilfred Hanchant].
I would take the literary and producing job [at the Mandrake Press]—and could do at least as well as P.R.S. [P.R. Stephensen]. Would take a small flat near Museum S[treet]. Monster [Hanni Jaeger] has reformed me financially.
Enjoy saving pfennings to go to the cinema once a week!
Get Marie [Maria de Miramar] to be sensible. I am friendly as ever, and will help whenever I can. At the same time, point out that she was never willing to accept the duty of a wife. The best thing would be for her to go to Paris and take up life where she left it. I'll pay her passage to Nicaragua (if she wants) when I can. But I can't do the impossible. We live by pawning things at present.
Yorke's [Gerald Yorke] theory about the lithograph is absolutely typical of his mind. The facts are:
1. I never had dealings of any kind with John [Augustus John] about it except to pose.
2. John sold it to Quinn [John Quinn].
3. Quinn had it lithographed.
4. Quinn gave it to me.
The great hope for the suicide story is the Doyle medium jest. Monster's wire to Thynne [Major Robert Thynne] is much more convincing than the newspapers. Plus your own great grief!
Yorke. Nothing wrong with him but Gemini. He won't give up all: he wants to hunt with the hounds and run with the fox. It is worldly wisdom, and that is just the one thing that the A∴A∴ turns down.
Also, below all his friendship, and honour etc, is the wish to succeed me in the A∴A∴. This has made me the father-substitute, and he wishes me dead. I'm amazed that Thynne with all his knowledge of psychoanalysis can't see this—without being told. So tell him! (It is amazing how Yorke openly gloats on any prospects of my discomfiture) It is he that put Marie up to mischief, probably).
Couldn't tell you about suicide beforehand because it was impromptu, done for another purpose altogether, and developed by circumstances. But it had been good practice: we'll stage a multiple murder or something really jolly when we get the time.
Also, it will be a real asset when I really am dead to have nobody believe it—like Arthur and Charlemagne and Frederick Barbarossa and the Portuguese Blighter and all the rest of them!
You have made a great hit with the Monster, saying nice things about her (The actual expression used was: Wait till I get to London: I'll fuck that bastard silly.)
T.S. [Theosophical Society]. O.K. then, why not be a Communist? There are some with brains that might be worth picking. Start with B something author of "Earth" (a play).
Yours of 14th.
Thanks for good wishes.
I wish you'd send me all the press cuttings re suicide, Legend [The Legend of Aleister Crowley], or anything else. Monster is too weak to pray! (She says: but I suppose she'll start again in an hour or two. You should just see my record!)
That reporter may do good. Try to get him to put the whole show over.
Oh that truck! £3.12.0!!! I wanted it by slow freight. So it's at Amexco till I'm rich. And we are hard put to it to eat. Please send on the Jacobi money straight to me, whenever it comes. And any other you can rake together.
I never urge any one to sign any Oath! I expect them to assert their Will to do so. I never even notice! I thought you had signed in the U.S.A. You passed the Exam, didn't you?
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Much love and many thanks for the trouble about my pictures!
ANU [Hanni Jaeger]