Correspondence from Dennes & Co. [Attorneys] to Aleister Crowley
Dennes & Co. Solicitors. 22, Chancery Lane, London. W.C.2.
22nd October, 1930.
Dear Sir,
re Settlement Trust
We duly received your letter of the 11th inst with you covering letter in which you observe that Mr. Yorke [Gerald Yorke] is now in South Africa for some months. In these circumstances it is not possible for us to communicate with Mr. Yorke. We however wrote with your letter to Mr. Cecil Jones [George Cecil Jones] who has returned it to us and he point out that as the joint instructions of the Trustees are required to vary the present instructions which have been given to us that the matter cannot be dealt with in the absence of Mr. Yorke.
Yours faithfully,
E.A. Crowley, Esq. c/o Karl Germer, Lietzensee Ufer 9, Berlin-Charlottenburg.