Correspondence from Fernando Pessoa to Karl Germer
Apartado 147, Lisbon
22nd. October, 1930.
Karl Germer, Esq., Lietzenseefur 9, Berlin-Charlottenburg.
Dear Sir:
Just as a curiosity, and as an example of what even a product of spontaneous ignorance can effect in point of "impression", when, whatever its inner lapses, it is rhythmically right (which the translation could not give), I am giving you a translation of the letter I have just received from the Editor of Presenca in acknowledgement of my little poem "The Last Spell".
I cannot, unfortunately, translate my blushes. But I shall be very pleased to take care to have that issue of Presenca sent to the wrong people, which are of course the right people.
Simóes (I am not simply applying the old principle of "tickle me Toby and I'll tickle thee") is the best of our young critics here; the allusion to "trying again" to interpret me refers to an essay on me which he wrote and inserted in his book Temas (it contains essays on Dostoyevsky and Proust, so I am in fair company) and alluded to as in some sense a "provisional" interpretation.
Apologizing for the infliction of this, I am
Yours very sincerely,
Fernando Pessoa