Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie







die [Thursday]

Oct 23 [1930]



C[are] F[rater]




Yours of Sunday and Oct 20.


You really do deserve a pat on the back. But go on: don't let failure dishearten you. You'll win through in the end.


I know only one sure way of overcoming inhibitions. "Live dangerously!" Keep on forcing yourself to do the things you fear, and presently the nerves get used to it.


Word of Eqx [Word of the Equinox] was obtained in an unusual way. But a very direct message. Anu is Monster's [Hanni Jaeger] sacred name.


Gloves received with thanks.


Not Amexco's fault, you sent trunk as passenger luggage!


Oath—not such a formality as you suppose. Copy in duplicate and sign and send me, to countersign. Then file.


I hope you have notified all Bb [Blessed brethren] of Yorke's [Gerald Yorke] suspension, as I asked you. He is clearly lunatick and sore vexed. The Desert will kill or cure him.


Meanwhile, assure Marie [Maria de Miramar] of my continued affection. But her good sense must show her that it is impossible for us to live together again. Martha Küntzel (tell her!) found a letter she wrote about her only true love being Karl Germer! Others were mentioned. I came fourth—rather like Ananias! I shall send her money when I can get it. At present I'm living on pure charity—and everything pawned at that! Keep Marie friendly and as cheerful as may be. Ask her to write to me. And let me know the whole Yorke story in detail. Her side of it too! If she did commit adultery with him, let her own up. Point out that I never tell lies. I am not virtuous—but IT DOESN'T PAY!


What of Foreman [N. J. N. Foreman]? Ask him to write to me!


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