Correspondence from Fernando Pessoa to Karl Germer




Apartado 147




26th. October, 1930.



Karl Germer, Esq.,

Lietzenseeufer 9,




Dear Sir:


I have this moment received a letter from Mr. Ferreira Gomes in which he informs me that he has now taken in hand the publication of an interesting reference to the Crowley Case in an interesting French Paper. It was his intention to take the whole matter—consisting of the copy of Notícias Ilustrado, a translation into French of the whole article (I made this, as a matter of fact) and anything he personally might remember to add—to the French weekly Détective, which as you probably know, is the highest circulating illustrated weekly in France.


This is, in an exact translation, what Mr. Gomes, has just written me, under date the 23rd:

"I have just gone to the offices of Détective and had a splendid reception. They are interested in the matter and I left everything there: it will probably be published next Thursday.


"They told me at the Détective that some days ago a detective of the British Police Force had gone to their offices to get a copy of their issue of the 2nd. May 1929, which has an article about Crowley. They were rather astonished at this but did not give any special attention to the matter. They now understand."

I may add that Mr. Gomes has had his time taken up with getting ready documents for his marriage, and that this made him defer a little his visit to Détective.


Yours very sincerely,


Fernando Pessoa


