Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie




C/o Saturnus [Karl Germer]



27 October 1930



C[are] F[rater]




You really are a damned good man. Forget this 00 about "initiative". You're doing bloody well.


You keep on assuming I'm dead. The papers won't give me a free ad, by contradicting you! And people are impressed by persistence. I shall send you my will for probate, but pick a lousy lawyer. That should convince everybody, if you ask the Courts for leave to presume my death on Sept 24. But be careful about contempt! It will be wiser to stick to the Yellow Press.


I should see the medium boosted by Lady Doyle. The more stories, the more scalps! It will make a fine article in the end, printing all the different rubbish, and then the plain truth.


Cash is hopeless at present; in really bad straits worse than for years and years back! But there are two good hopes; the trouble is that it may take some time. Germer , of course, is doing miracles; but I can't expect too much just now.


The clippings are A.1. We want to triplicate them: can you do this for the best and most important? Will send back book within a week, so you get it Monday.


I hope you are sending Monster's [Hanni Jaeger] pictures this week. On Friday we move into a studio.


I'm doing some good work, drawing and watercolours. When I'm settled, I have a book I want to write.


Am sending you Monster's story—treat it how you like. But I'm sure you are the man to write it up, saleably.


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