Correspondence from Israel Regardie to Fernando Pessoa
41 Museum Street, London, W.C.1.
October 27th. 1930.
Care Frater:
Thank you very much for the two magazines which came in record time.
On this side, we are still trying to keep the publicity going, although if terrifically difficult. Every newspaper has the sub-conscious feeling that a stunt is being engineered, and so they refuse to touch it. But despite that, I have managed to get a couple of quarter columns in a paper which may in a short while turn the trick. The enclosed may be of interest to you.
Have the Portuguese police made any hew pronouncements with regard to the disappearance?
I am still working on several aspects of the case, and when results occur as they should in a fortnight or so, I shall be pleased to let you know.
With every good wish,
93 93/93
Yours fraternally,
358 — נחש