Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer
[circa November 1930]
I answer your letter in writing—it is so wrong.
1. I do not despise money. I only say it must be weighed against the G.W. [Great Work] and I want lots of it for the G.W. But for nothing else.
2. I buy expensive things because they are cheapest—as most people know.
3. Your facts are wrong about my credit, which is good. Otherwise, how do I obtain it?
4. I do not make false statements; so I can have no "dupes." I agree about Thynne [Major Robert Thynne] and the Mandrake [Mandrake Press].
5. Please quote a case of my interfering with a business plan. An actual case.
6. If you are not convinced by reason it follows that you are not reasonable.
7. I want you to do things in your own way. But I must furnish the ideas.
8. I have been pleading for order and system for 5 years.
9. I do not want you to do things against your own nature. I want your true nature to triumph over your inhibitions.
10. Thynne is a shuffling liar. He took over my contracts from the old firm, failed to keep them, begged me to alter them. I agreed as a favor to him, and he tried to cheat me. I offered to let him out of publishing one book if he agreed to "immediate publication" of another. He wanted to strike out "immediate" and said I had agreed on the phone to do so, which was a lie. I wrote at once to correct this. Field Roscoe [a lawyer] should have told you. (See his last letter to me; it implies a contract.)
11. It is so difficult to grasp the conditions of success. I wish Cora [Cora Germer] would cooperate actively. I'm sure her brain would help a lot.
12. As I said before, I got the shares (£500) for you. This was Yorke's [Gerald Yorke] suggestion, to allow me to spend the case on various urgent matters. You have the shares you wanted, so you have no kick.
13. The shares are formally voted to you—so Yorke said.
14. Certainly Thynne can outwit you—not because of his facts, but because he is wily, plausible, and unscrupulous.