Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie




die [Wednesday]

[Undated: circa November 1930]



Dear Scorpio




Scribbled a hasty line yesterday about new developments possible in the "story". The next point is to put the Monster's [Hanni Jaeger] pictures in storage, quietly. If asked about them by anybody except me (even Monster herself—who sends love—she's been ill for 2 days, but is better now) say with surprise "Why, I handed them over long ago to a man called Klaus, who said he was a friend, and would take them with him to Berlin that night" (Of course you aren't sure of the date). This Klaus is a desperate character—a forger etc.


You've got to be careful about working Mrs. N.[orman] H.[all]. You mustn't obtain money under false pretences! But your scheme with Mandrake [Mandrake Press] is almost exactly my own. No, on what you say, I don't think the majors will show fight. I feel pretty sure they have broken the law. The new laws of a year ago were (I think) mostly intended to stop just the game they have been playing. They can hand over the company as it is, for nix.


Remember too that Gwendolyn and Violet are real friends and ought not to be grieved. At least, you'll have to make a very good excuse when things come out.


About Marie [Maria de Miramar], as she doesn't answer my letters, it seems to be she who has deserted me. You might find out how the law stands.


Keep Karl [Karl Germer] very fully and promptly informed of any Mandrake developments.


Lloyd is supposed to be acting in concert with Germer and me against Thynne [Major Robert Thynne]. So see him at once, we must act promptly not to spoil his plans. But—find out if he means to act promptly and with energy.


93     93/93


Yours fraternally




P.S. You are making a damn good impression with your initiative and competence. Keep on with mediums. Get one to clear up the twins mystery.





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