Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie
1A Wuertsburgerstasse. Berlin. Tel: Bavaria 73-91.
[Undated: circa November 1930]
Dear Scorpio
Better get any MSS of mine out of the premises if Mandrake [Mandrake Press] are going phut.
Some small errors in typescript synopsis of yellow story.
[illegible] last line p 2 = Master. p3 l3 fiends Monsters orgies: the Pleasures etc. p4 sec11 obscene not "obscure" p6 striking smoke not "stiking" p7.18 "larks" not 'lacks'
You can, of course, and probably should, write this up all different. The good plan seems to be to sell the story first on general principles, on the basis of this synopsis, and ask the buyer how he wants it flavoured.
I think you could get a pretty good publisher to issue an important volume (or volumes) of selections on the strength of the Herald-Tribune article. I should get 1 doz[en] copies of this, and send round with a letter to Hutchinson, Duckworth, Martin Secker, Jonathan Cape [publishing firm] etc and some N[ew] Y[ork] publishers.
Mrs. Norman Hall. Yea, verily, console her: and start her a bud-Will to help with the construction of the new company.
Marie [Maria de Miramar]. 'Phone her at once that there is money in sight. I hope to be able to send her some by the beginning of next week, at latest.
93 93/93
P.S. See Medley immediately—as I wired to-night.