Correspondence from Cora Germer to Aleister Crowley
[Undated: circa November 1930]
My dear Mr. Crowley,
The $15,000 I have given to you were spent not in real constructive work but in expensive cigars, cognac, cocktails, taxis, dinners, wives and sweethearts, or anything you desired at the moment. I never expect to see one cent of this money, for I know if you ever make any you will spend it on yourself. I consider you a supremely selfish man. . . . You spend as much in a week on cigars and cognac as I do in two months on myself personally. By the time I have paid the household expenses and given the rest to you and Miss Jaeger [Hanni Jaeger], there is no more. . . . I am not trying to insult you, but I think you have a Me and God complex. God Almighty Himself would not be as arrogant as you have been, and that is one of the causes of all your troubles.