Correspondence from Martha Küntzel to Aleister Crowley




Leipzig [crossed out by Crowley]



November 5th 30



Dear Big Lion [altered by Crowley to 'Care Frater']




Thank you very much indeed for the hint about the Word you were good enough to give me in your last letter of the 25th October. I seem to understand a little more about it now and can feel that behind the stream and darkness on the material plane and the mental one perhaps too, there is that great Light of Binah, the Great Supernal Mother, which to those below the Abyss must be darkness indeed. In the 'Wake World' this 3rd house is called the House of Sorrow of utmost Darkness, and by and by there is coming a tremendous blaze of a new sun in the sixth House and a new Prince is born. And its planetary sign is Saturn, "the aged Sol, the venerable God, the Lord of Time, bearing a sharp sickle". He brings death on all planes, that of the gross forms on the material plane, for is He not Understanding Intuition, and Divine Intelligence? Shiva the Destroyer?


Nothing can be destroyed but what is destroyable. So we may calmly let go what is taken from us and be ready to give all we have and all we are to the Great Work.


You can hardly imagine how thankful I am that I was allowed to translate for you and thereby get to understand more than I dared to hope formerly. Even the numbers 8, 80, and 418 begin to become understandable. If 8 is the great number of Redemption, because ChITh = 418, it points out that through 80, the 'lightning struck Tower' of the Tarot, which means Ruin in its most material form, we shall come to 418, to Abrahadabra, the Word of the Aeon, and the Expression of the Goal.


So with calm courage and firm resolution I will hold out in whatever may come. It is only the Path we are shown, and my  heart is singing with gratefulness against you who bought all these glories about.


93     93/93


In deepest love and reverence ever


Your grateful little sister


I. W. E.


Much love to the dear Monster [Hanni Jaeger].


[Note: Crowley has scored through 'I.W.E.' and 'Much love to the dear Monster' and added his own hand:]


This letter, as altered by me, should be copied, and the Bb [Blessed brethren] circularized, as with the Word of the Eq[uino]x.


Add a letter of your own to say that the Eqx means a severe test of all the Bb to see who is good enough to build onto the Work of Reconstruction. Explain about the 'defile', the nature of the Moon as restriction etc, Cunt etc, and the High Priestess. (Hence the Word ANU = all this.





[Translation by Martha Küntzel of part of her letter to Germer [Karl Germer] and sent by her to Crowley.]


It has deeply moved me to see how every incautious or ill-considered action is apt to shake all that has been built up with difficulty as soon as vicious hands get hold of it. The pillars of foundation are, however, dear Brother Saturnus [Karl Germer], these are cut from the hard rock and stand unshaken, otherwise crumble off, what may! I have vowed myself to the Great Work and am repeating this Vow every day ever so many times, and my will has become so one-pointed and so unshakably strong being constantly nourished by the spiritual power of the Great Work, so that I too will endure to the end, through millions of years from now, from one incarnation to the other, Victory is bound to come once, not of the personality, but of the cause, for it is a cosmic necessity from which nobody can withdraw permanently.


It is from this consideration that I want to reincarnated at once, because in my subconscious there will then revive, and grow effective, the remembrance of what I willed in this life.


Therefore I stand unmoved and firmly cling to the Great Work, come what may. If at present our work is seemingly buried this need not hinder us to go on doing what is our true will. Whoever is disloyal to his Highest Self, his Holy Guardian Angel, is the only one to be forsaken, miserable and in disunion for ever.


Conscious of this joyful endurance gained by strength, I am; . . .





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