Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith




8 Nov [1930]







Yours of Oct 16. The Word [of the Equinox] and Oracle seem to imply a total reconstruction of personnel. We are each one being most severely tested—Yorke [Gerald Yorke] broke down, and has gone for a G[reater] M[agical] R[etirement]. I hope he will pull through and come back sane in January. Meanwhile we are in very severe financial straits. Can you help at all? If so, do it by cable.


I don't think you are far wrong about the Eucharist. But (I judge) the bond between the Lion and the Eagle should be intense, or where is the energy to come from? But Experience is the only good teacher. So go ahead.


Love to 156 [Jane Wolfe]. I've been missing her letters of late. Terribly busy trying to stave off disaster,


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