Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie
1A Wurzburger Strasse, Berlin.
Nov 15 [1930]
Dear Scorpio
Your magical letter.
There is an instruction (from some angel) somewhere in my Cefalů diaries about this. I forget details, except "The Lion must be killed very dead". I'm not sure of the whole thing myself, but work empirically. The Luhan thing is added. When she rules, it's easier to do opera for e.g. "Red Gold". But the gluten is essential. By 'putrefaction' or 'corruption' one usually means 'chemical change'.
Gaby [Gabriel Dee] is a lot too old, and is using occult knowledge for purely material ends. So, in that case, she ought to pay well.
There are no selling MSS in the cabin trunk; only the stuff I need for the Sullivan [J.W.N. Sullivan] book.
Write Sullivan, Paradise Farm, Chobham, to see you next time he is in town, tell him of Thompson, and suggest putting it up to Cape [Jonathan Cape publishing firm]. This is all-important; his book is the one real hope we have of putting the G∴W∴ [Great Work] over.
I can't bother at present with the stolen Titian and the violated tomb of the Egyptian Priest with the curse on it—so ----
Can't you send Monster's [Hanni Jaeger] pictures carriage forward? We could find ways pf paying once they were here. They need not come by any specially fast route. Please let me know by return about this; and if you can send them at once, do so. To A.C. c/o Amexco.
I know for sure that you can send them on—being paid for here as they arrive. I need them so badly and cannot go on painting without them. Please do this little service to the little Monster.
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