Correspondence from Israel Regardie to Fernando Pessoa
41 Museum Street, W.C.1.
November 18th. 1930.
Care Frater:
I wish to apologize most sincerely for the delay in answering your letter of some ten days ago, but the fact of the matter is that we all have been extremely busy and preoccupied with the Mandrake Press Ltd. which for want of capital, may go into voluntary liquidation any day now.
Regarding your book,—well, I have a friend here in London who owns a literary agency, so if you sent me the manuscript I would turn it over to him to place with some reliable publisher. Of course he would want a 10% commission on the royalties for placing it—which is considerably worth while.
I am also negotiating with another very big publisher here to take over the contracts for the publication of the works of Aleister Crowley, and I may be able, should they be amenable to argument in the greater matter, to get them to accept the book of which you speak. All good wishes.
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Yours fraternally
נחש —358