Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
Gerald Yorke Esq
[Undated: circa early December 1930]
Yours mailed in Tunis.
The desert can cure you, if anything can.
Why not wait for my friend the Sheik Abdul Aziz at MISH, near EL-OUED.
Marie [Maria de Miramar] shouldn't leave compromising letters about if she wants to fight a case. Worse than the Bandol Tragedy! She will have to be reasonable.
You are getting famous, by the way. The papers refer to "a black magician called Yorke".
Re Mandrake [Mandrake Press]. Your plan for getting Germer [Karl Germer] into the soup as well as he is unlikely to work.
G[ermer] is now in London, putting Field, [illegible] on the job. Your teaching has really been abominable, and the only excuse for you is that you are at the present non compos mentis). I hope it won't have to be fought out in court; the Mandrake will be much wiser to [illegible] its signature.
But if you suppose that I am going to let down the Order, to say nothing of various friends, you err—once again.
Well, I hope the Desert will heal you. If you are on a pleasure ship with evening dress and bridge and [illegible], you will return as rotten as you started.
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Address me c/o Germer.