Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Aleister Crowley






[16 January 1931]



Regina [Regina Kahl], 39 I think. Robust, singer, black black hair, (dyed) dark eyes—a woman of strong emotions. Teaching vocal also, and doing a splendid work in educating the young girls who come to her, education along every day living and especially correcting their sexual out-look on life. Not only the girls, but their mothers as well!


As I told you, she devours your writings greedily. January she and Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] attended a costume party, which they left about 3 a.m. Sunday morning the 4th. Smith read to her till day-light, among other things; the two slept for a short time and at about 11 a.m. he read the Wake World to her. She sobbed and sobbed. This sounds quite inadequate, but Smith thinks Regina had some sort of an initiation that morning. . . .


Just about a week ago, he remembered that Mrs. Reynolds [Rosa Reynolds] told him that his great, magnificent, wonder world would open up with the advent of a black haired woman. So! ???


Now for Leona Kahl Watson, her sister Lee, as she is called by her friends, is 33. Her hair is the color of Dorothy's [Dorothy Olsen], but she puts on a beautiful dull henna. Her eyes are almost green, a queer blue. Her face is delicate, soft, chin slightly pointed. Her hair, like Regina's is strong and heavy, and they both comb it back but it falls in a frame about their faces. Lee wears fascinating East Indian earrings, great fan-shaped things they are, with little balls dangling from them. She wears mostly a black and blue satin Japanese kimono.


She is infinitely more fascinating to me than Regina, yet it is Regina that every one hales at the Monday evening at-homes. Regina is all emotion, and flows out to every one, you bathe in her warmth. Lee is more intellectual, writes a bit, has had something on Broadway, feels that heretofore she has been blown hither and thither and that now her forces are becoming focussed and that she is just coming into her true field of activities.


