Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Mr. Medley




Würzburger Str. 1a




February 5, 1931



Messrs. Field Roscoe & Co.

36 Lincolns Inn Fields

London, W.C.2.



Dear Mr. Medley,


I ask your advice in re memo following:—


June 16, 1030 e.v. to August 3 I was living at 89 Park Mansions, Knightsbridge with my wife [Maria de Miramar]. I had continues causes of complaint against her.


1) She refused to make any efforts to learn English


2) She was constantly drunk in public—often violently, to the point of vomiting or collapse


3) She was always making violent scenes, among friends or at parties


4) She used to make love to male guests—embracing, kissing etc.—in public.


 August 3. Wrote my wife full instructions how to carry on. I also voiced the above complaints, and intimated that I would not resume cohabitation unless these grievances were redressed.


To this letter I received no answer, except an entirely frivolous and irrelevant communication mailed after I had left Berlin on Aug. 13 and returned to London. I received it, despite an attempt on her part to suppress it, on my return to London Aug 24.


August 24. In London. No news of my wife, except vague rumours that she asked for me in a restaurant where I occasionally eat, that she was living with some man in a flat in Hampstead etc.


August 29. Still no news. I am obliged to leave London on a business trip to Lisbon.


September 25. Back in Berlin. Some time after this I received a quite crazy letter from my wife, threatening suicide, but giving me no useful information. As, however, my secretary, Mr. Regardie [Israel Regardie], seemed to be in touch with her, I sent it to him. (From time to time I had sent money to her through him.)


February 1, 1931 e.v. During this last week I have had vague information about my wife; e.g. that she had got a job. This day I hear from Mr. Yorke [Gerald Yorke] that her address is 59 (or 51 or 52 or 57—his figures are almost illegible) Belsize Avenue N.W.3. But I have still no direct communication from her, though I have throughout the whole period since she deserted me, written at frequent intervals.


Friends say that she wants a divorce (and do so I) and a settlement, which is absurd.



I should like to know where I stand, and what steps I can take to be rid of her. I am writing to ask Mr. Regardie if he can furnish any evidence of adultery, or get her to admit it.


Yours truly



