Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson





Wurtzburger Str.



Feb. 7 [1931]



Angel-face, your letter restores me to life. I was always afraid you’d overdo that right hand. How often have not I urged you to get a stenographer. Your best course is to come to Berlin and arrange for your books to be translated and published here. Aldous [Aldous Huxley] is making a fortune out of Point Counterpoint which is the talk of Berlin. Incidentally, you might do yourself a bit of good by lecturing on me. For the great Neirendorf [Karl Nierendorf] is showing my pictures. (Time will show whether this is a practical joke on Europe or on me.) from Feb. 22 for a month, and wants also to rouse interest in me as a personality and in my general work. You might even dig out a fee of sorts with a slight effort. I think your books appeal greatly to the high-class German reader. Your originality and subtlety, your delicate sense of comedy; these in particular should suit the market. Why shouldn’t I like your latest masterpiece? I understood that you were growing in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and Man. Remember me to Mrs. Wilkinson most kindly and to the Brethren in our Lord generally.


Yours ever


Aleister Crowley


