Correspondence from Fernando Pessoa to Aleister Crowley




1 a, Würtzburgerstrasse



Apartado 147




10th. February, 1931.



Carissime Frater




Yes, for some time no news of mine have trickled to Berlin through the fingers of Chance; she holds them very close sometimes. She has been very close with me recently.


No, ill-health is not the explanation, unless there be an ill-health of the forgotten mind. These last months I seem to have been asleep somewhere inside me, and I should like to know where that comes from.


The capitalist is extinct; I do not think anything can be got out of that hope. It took too long to come to nothing at all—this, by the bye, is my opinion, not his definite statement—, and it was always, as I told you here, a very vague chance. There is another man I should like to take up this matter with; he is of a rather better mental class and he has financed a publishing firm in Paris. He has recently gone to Paris to wind up (!) that business. This may work either way: he may be sick of financing publishing firms abroad; on the other hand, he may be sick just of that one, yet keep his interest in the matter in general. When he comes back to Lisbon, I shall speak to him; at any rate, he had the right impulse, and may have it, or part of it, still.


Having a lot of pressing and unimportant matters weighing down upon me, I have transferred the definite writing of the "novel" till March or April, if Fate so will it. Having ceased to be topical, in the worst sense of the word, it can at least become interesting, in the best one.


I have also been under an astrological eclipse. I am hoping, hoping strongly, to get out at least into the punumbra, and I will then revise all things of the kind I have had by me in stagnation. Forgive me and do not think too unkindly of me.


Love to Sister Anu [Hanni Jaeger]. My best regards to you.


Yours ever fraternally,


Fernando Pessoa


I hope your exhibition will be most successful. Tell me about it. But I hope to write again before the 22.


