Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
1a [Würzburgerstr, Berlin]
Feb 22 [1931]
93 (Why do you always omit this?)
Thanks for yours of 20th.
Talking of what people write at different times, I seem to remember vaguely that you wrote me recently, refusing (rather pathetically) to negotiate between me and Marie [Maria de Miramar].
I replied that I had never asked you to do so, that I did not do so, and that I never would do so while the Lord preserved my reason.
Your reply—after a decent interval—with Six Pages of negotiation.
And I must regretfully decline to discuss the matter, as I have placed it in the hands of my solicitor.
It will be delightful to see you here. The 14th? Shall I get you a room; if so, about what price?
When you say 'clinical', re Foreman [N. J. N. Foreman], do you mean 'surgical'? I hope not—I am anxiously awaiting his full letter, promised me in a P[ost] C[ard] 4 days ago.
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