Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Fernando Pessoa




15 A in 22°  

[24 March 1931]



p.a. Karl Germer

Lietzenseeufer 9,




C[are] F [rater]


Thanks for yours of 13th.


Should like to see Girassol; and more, your translation of "Hymn to Pan"


[From this point to the end of the paragraph the handwriting is of Hanni Jaeger.]

Have you read the book Ride the Nightmare by Ward Green? It gives a good caricature of my big Satan and a photographic study of a man and his wife, people that A.C. knows. Since then I call him occasionally "lamb pie". He is painting with great fury—the whole studio is soaked in all colours of the rainbow!! But good pictures are being produced. Why don't you take a week's vacation and come to look at them?






[Crowley continues at this point]

(She has asked me to edit the above for "pornographic errors")


I've mislaid the rectified horoscope you did for me. Can you repeat it? Especially I should like a judgment: "Shall I ever get out of this horrible financial hole; if so, when?"


I am glad to hear that the English Colony in Lisbon is following so distinguished a lead as mine. I wish they were all in the Boca. Can you send me some details?


93 93/93


F[raternal]ly in terrible haste




