Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
2 June '31
This notepaper does not mean that I have set up business as a whore. I am recommending his Majesty to insist that all debutantes wear paupers uniforms. We really must sort people out. WERE not WHERE is the 3rd person of the imperfect tense of the verb TO BE.
You must have had many a laugh about the tobacco: but (a) I do important things in double (b) Karma is Karma, even if I have to wield the cane myself.
As to M [Maria de Miramar] I think it is all a practical joke of yours—provisionally. But if it is O.K. and she learnt (a) English (b) how to behave herself (c) that it is not enough to explain that she is Marie Teresa Ferrarri de Miramar I shall forgive Charles Dickens (was it not, pride of Eton?) for inventing the 'workus'. (I have just had a very pretty compliment paid me: that is why I feel so good.) I await with joy, as a Lion in the Jungle awaits the fragile gazelle, the "pretty story letter" of the County Council. The mildness of my reply will probably class me with the late Moses ibn Amman. I thought by the way that that fella Dickens had abolished debtor's prisons. You're all wrong, young lad! Gimme the good old gallows and save money!
The idea of my coming to England unless someone will give me £1,000,000 per day to do it—in which case I will come for 10 days with a flock of Eagles—is the idea of someone who has never been in Berlin. Pue Pagan Thelema! Nunc dimittis!!