Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
8 Jun (31.)
Yrs of May 14. Rituals may have been delayed, owing to the complete smash of my organization at the Mandrake [Mandrake Press] collapse. In case they have not arrived I shall send you new copies from here, only they must be retyped.
Then there is the question of the charter [for an O.T.O. Lodge]—a matter of £25. And the words etc—? you had better use the old words, using this as a lever to get some one to arrange a personal visit (you to me, or me to you) to get them communicated in due form, as is essential by the terms of the Oath—esp[ecially] the III° Word.
You must think big about this—don't waste your time on cheap people, however high their Eagles fly. We have to put over a plan to save civilization from the collapse now imminent and to get an Island where we can work on, when it does come in spite of us!
I can't send IX° MS as present. All is in confusion till we reconstruct with a proper G.H.Q. [Grand Headquarters].
I wish to God you people would send along some cash. I could get £2000 here, if only I were in a position to negotiate. As it is, I have to stay in the mud. If you folks could guarantee 300 dollars a month for a year, I could raise any amount of capital. And I'm in good form too!
93 93/93
F∴[raternal]ly ever.