Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe
June 19. [1931]
Cara Soror 516,
Nothing from you for ever so long. Here things go from worse to worse. I shall be in the street within a few days unless a miracle happens. Just as I was getting in touch with really big people here.
It's Germer's fault—we had enough money to scrape along for the year and he went and gambled it away in stocks—on the advice of a bum astrologer!!!
Can you beat it?
We may pull through yet—if I can only make my new connexions quick enough; before I smash for good.
If you could do the impossible, and cable $200; it might just come in time too enable me to weather the storm. I'm really worried, for once! Sorry I can't find courage to write a proper letter—but do tell me all the news; it cheers me, anyhow.
93 93/93.
Love to Vagina [Regina Kahl] and the rest.