Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe
July 31. [1931]
Dear 516,
Yours of 13th—thanks.
Rest and sunlight are pulling me together quite a lot.
I want the photograph of Vagina [Regina Kahl] to judge her ascendant.
Now about 'ideas.' I have become convinced that all this indirect working for Θελγμχ as the case of a recurrent catastrophe and our being baulked every time when all looked so absolutely promising.
We have got to put the Book of the Law, and nothing else, to the world. Directly. As the sole cure for the malady of the World as it is to-day. In Europe at least Art, Literature, Music etc are as dead as mutton; people are thinking only of how to dodge starvation, anarchy, and poison gas.
You can I think do this work if you will become a complete fanatic about it.
Well, this is my No. 8 letter to-day and I'm still far from well so Enough!
93 93/93.
Love to Vagina and all the little vaginae!