Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Montgomery Evans




Pension Mea

7 Dormbergerstr



Aug 8 [1931]



Dear M.E.2


Do what thou wilt?


[illegible] it was great to hear from you again. I am completely Kaputt, especially in England. My picture show here is for October 5; but what's the use, if everybody's broke?


I am making some good connexions with people here at last, despite Germer [Karl Germer] (There's a story to that!) If you were here for a month, I believe we could put over something really big.


For educated humans in general are in love with such books of mine as they have seen, and Nierendorf [Karl Nierendorf] thinks my painting—the new developments which you haven't seen, will make me very rich.


My main hope is to get Reinhardt or [illegible] or one of those to put on Mortaldello as a spectacle. If it went, there would be a really big pot of money. I wish you'd run over here and put it across. As you know, the one great defect in me is lack of push. With a good business manager, being a bit like an uncle, I could do great things at once. You could also do a lot of the directing. Do nip across and take the matter in hand, and save my reason!


What's your news? Why not at [illegible]? I find Berlin delightful—the only city in the world to compare with New York.


I'm interested in politics too. There's going to be a press soon over that crazy treaty of Versailles. I want to get a Review to handle the whole world-situation[?]. We could do it. People just now have no courage for [illegible].


My present Vampire is a great pal of Frankies' daughter, and knows the old ruffian quite well!


Yours ever




