Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to C. K. Ogden





[postmarked 10 August 1931]



C. K. Ogden esq

Royal Societies Club

St James' St

London S.W.1



Pension Meen

7 Dornbergstr Berlin



Dear Og


On Friday the University Club in the Deutsche Gesellschaft gave me a lunch, & I got the blighters interested in your 500-word language. Only, of course, I don't know the first thing about it. Will you send me any literature you have on the subject; perhaps something really important might come of it in this highly practical country.


Delightful place, Berlin: don't think I ever found its match for pure enjoyment of life, with the doubtful exception of N.Y. [New York]


Love Yrs


Aleister Crowley


