Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Fernando Pessoa




Karlsruherstr 2





18th. Sept. 31



Carissime Frater


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


But what has happened to you? Not a word all these months—you owe me several letters, not to mention the Review with your "Hymn to Pan" translation, a Detective Novel, and that fat Capitalist.


The Master disappeared—to the relief of all parties—6 months ago—and All is Quiet on the W.[estern] F.[ront]!


The Picture Exhibition opens on Oct. 11 till Nov. 11. Wish you could run over and have a look. Could put you up, you know!


And oh! Boy! As they say in America. This is the town!


Write me by return.


93 93/93


Yours ever most fraternally


