Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
30 Sept 31
Yrs of no date, written by Elizabeth, with clippings. I was very glad and the S[carlet] W[oman] [Bertha Busch] is very impressed by your atmosphere. But I shouldn't wait for new music to put on the Mass [Gnostic Mass]. I should start it at once without furniture, as you did for O.T.O. in Vancouver, get some people to attend, and when they get warmed up, make them buy you a Temple.
Remember it is the IX° that pulls. You can do anything with people once you get hold of their Unconscious.
I am afraid things here are very bad. Germer [Karl Germer], completely obsessed for months, has squandered all the funds: now he is sane again—for the moment—but it is too late. He will probably have to go live with his family in Leipzig. The S.W. and I are "going to fight it out on this line, if it takes all winter"; but how to get past October 15 we just don't know. If it gets too bad—we don't want to lose the books and MSS which are our one hope of connecting with cash—I shall send you a W.E. letter.
Now get busy and put on that Mass. Adapt it for the time being to your necessities, but put it on! The practice in bad conditions will help you enormously to have confidence when you can do it well. And the Mass is itself Great Magick
Love to Vag[ina] [Regina Kahl] Elizabeth and all of you.
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