Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
Karlsruherstrasse 2. Berlin-Halensee.
11th Oct. [1931]
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
I hope to see you here next Saturday—with all the added virtues wrung from deserts, caves, and cargo-boats, where they manufacture adepts.
I am inclined to think you had better come straight here. I cannot tell you why in a short letter. At least be prepared to do so.
A very grave situation has arisen, of which finance is only a minor detail.
The S[carlet] W[oman] [Bertha Busch] turned up just in time. I hope finances will be straightened out for good and all by the time you arrive. It could have been done a month ago but for Germer's [Karl Germer] developments. My soul is very sad for him. I had a long talk with Dr. Adler [Alfred Adler] yesterday, and he says there is only one course. Adler should join us. Will try to arrange you meet him at dinner.
Well we must go down to fix the final details about the Show.
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