Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Cora Eaton (Germer)
Karlsruherstrasse 2 Berlin-Halensee Tel Uhland 81-93
Oct 25 '31 E.V.
Dear Mrs. Germer,
In acknowledgement of your services to the Order, I as I.G. Trustee, am prepared to make you an annual payment of One Thousand Dollars, or alternatively a lump sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars. This offer is made without prejudice. The payments or payment cannot be made until funds are derived from my interests in the Company whose formation we are now trying to negotiate.
In Mr. Yorke's [Gerald Yorke] opinion, the best chance of realizing this is to give Frau Busch [Bertha Busch] an absolutely free hand. She has been badly hampered in the past five weeks not only by the impossibility of severing her relations with her old friends for lack of smart appearance, but by actual worry and uncertainty about rent, food, etc. It would thus be much to your advantage to guarantee her all that she requires until Dec 31 as originally agreed. It is also bad for the negotiations that we have had to show our anxiety to conclude them quickly.
Please acknowledge and agree this letter, if possible by return.
Yours sincerely,
Aleister Crowley.