Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe




Karlsruherstrasse 2




Nov 1 [1931]



Dear Estai,




Disaster seems to be postponed till Nov 15—bar accidents.


But it weighs—it weighs. I can't enjoy your sunny frivolities with the Sword of Damocles inadequately wired!


It must be hard in California to realize the desperate need of people in these sunken lands. One day Hollywood will be wiped out by fierce resentment—we can't go on for ever with smooth silly lies about the sweet young thing and the gay dauntless hero.




I really think another word would spoil it!


93     93/93.






Dear [illegible]—reading your letters made me think that your only thoughts are [illegible]—but there are greater things to be done than understanding—We have to get to work and put something over. We have to control [illegible] and do useful things in this world—no time must be wasted in the shape the world is now. Put all your power in for [illegible] thought and [illegible—[illegible] do not matter—it is the success—!!! I wish I could see you to have a heart to heart talk with you.


Yours fraternally,


S. W. [Scarlet Woman] [Bertha Busch]




