Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith




[6 Nov 31]







Yours of Oct 2. Things here hellish; all but S[carlet] W[oman] [Bertha Busch] in whom I have found Hell—See Liber Aleph.


But there are hopes. We have at last got rid of Germer [Karl Germer], whose mania has been responsible for the crash—that and the unspeakable stupidity of his miserly old wife [Cora Eaton].


I do not know how far you and Estai [Jane Wolfe] have been in communication with him; but there must be no further dealings with him of any kind. We expect him to commit suicide—possibly murder as well—within a few days. It is a really great tragedy: in its essence an unbelievable one.


We are out after the great bankers and captains of industry ourselves. S.W. knows lots of 'em. 516 [Jane Wolfe] can help you there. Show 'em the world is going bust because of neglect of Thelema; get them to put up a few million insurance against being strung up by the mob. Do not talk Occult Stuff, and try to teach Qabalah. Proclaim the Prophet! That is your wanted "miracle". So do it. The world is drowning—that is exactly why it will clutch at a straw.


Keys: prepare Elixir with object of roping in Mayor—or whoever you have—and give it to him in a cocktail!


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