Correspondence from Alexander Cannon to Gerald Yorke




Alexander Cannon, M.D. (Leeds)


London County Council

Mental Hospital Service.

Colney Hatch,

N. 11.



Gerald Yorke, Esquire.

c/o Lady Maxse,

Little Bognor,








Dear Sir,


I am extremely interested in your letter. Mrs. Crowley is not actually under my care, but under that of one of my colleagues. If you care to come to see me, personally, and during your visit see the lady, well and good; but if you wish to make it an official visit, this can only be done between the hours of 2 & 4 on Sundays' and Mondays'. You would have been welcome with Gabriel Dee on Saturday.


Owing to many engagements, I am afraid I will not be free on any day next week other than Wednesday afternoon. Come and see me then.


From Oxford Circus to Finsbury Park by tube, then main line to New Southgate Station. You will find the hospital on the left, outside the station.


Yours very truly,


Alexander Cannon.


