Correspondence from Bertha Busch to Gerald Yorke
Karlsruherstrasse 2. Berlin-Halensee.
November 8, 1931.
My dear boy
Sorry to tell you A.C. is ill so he can not even be to you him self. His attacks of asthma are terrible. I am all [illegible]—I do not know what to do.
There is delay in writing his [illegible] which is no necessary—I am sure there are demons about—I simply hope for succeed—else we are done for. We where shot already in our calculation about the [illegible]. I do wish [illegible] would acknowledge the receiving of the picture—We need help immediately. I am all on people very important and have so little [illegible] to deal with them.
That is all for the moment. I am too upset to write more.
Your mother Bill.